Demi real
- Age: 27
- Height: 175
- Weight: 64
- Hair: Brown

Call or Signal: +380980896279
To make a reservation use Viber or WhatsApp
+380980896279 or call or SMS next on this number: +380980896279
Hello there my name is Demi and I am your find the most magnificent find. I am a turkey escort girl from Istanbul. Whether you are dreaming of spending your quality time with somebody that could be a good conversationalist or a good listener I would be the best choice to have. Of course these days it’s hard to find the best Istanbul escorts but I am here for this very reason,I chose to have some good time with incredibly generous gentleman didn’t know how to gift oh wait the most amazing feelings such as sharing their desires and having fun. And if we’re going to talk about fun I assure you that my sense of humor and my talent in dancing is one of the two most amazing things about me ,that I cherish and work on. My body loves to move all the time so when I wake up in the morning I go for a run and then I attend to my dance and stretching class which makes my body this- feminine sculpture. We can Play some music and have lots of dances and have this quality time together make it unforgettable. Because fun is worth remembering,and I’m that beautiful istanbul escort you’ve been looking for. If you want to meet me a beautiful and graceful feminine lady that in a matter of seconds can turn into your desirable little beauty then of course I am the one. I can give you any experiences as I carry in myself lots of talent. Anything you imagine this experience to be I will give it to you in a matter of minutes after you text me I will get ready and come to see you. So I hope to meet you soon,incredible man. I’m open to anything you offer. Hereby can’t wait for our date to happen.
- 1 hour: 250 €
- 2 hours: 350 €
- 3 hours: 500 €
- 6 hours: 1000 €
- 12 hours: 1200 €
- 24 hours: 1500 €
- P. Hour thereafter: 0 €
- Asian side taxi: 40 €
- European S. taxi: 20 €
- Special: 0 €
- Come in mouth
- Cum in face
- Cumshot
- Domanition or Submission
- Erotic dances
- Kissing With tongue
- Lesbian Show
- Massage
- On body
- Oral Sex
- Pose 69
- Striptease
- Taking and Giving
- Threesome